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Gulf Coast Sailing Club

Keep Sailing Fun

HomeNew Members



From our Commodore
Ahoy! Welcome aboard the Gulf Coast Sailing Club! Whether you’re shoving off on your first sailing adventure or you’re an old salt, we’re happy you decided to join our merry band of sailors. So, let’s get underway..
This is our Member Handbook. It describes many of our activities on the water and land with an emphasis on sailing education and the development of skills. What you learn will form a foundation for our shared enjoyment of sailing in a safe and fun way. As you master the various sailing skills you can put them to work at the Sugden Sailing Center, on our cruising events, and in our regattas. We all look forward to sharing our love of sailing with you and inviting you to be a part of our special community. I am sure you’ll make some wonderful memories and new friendships.
Mission Statement
The Gulf Coast Sailing Club was established in 1974 to provide Southwest Florida with a high value, volunteer, multi-skill level, racing, cruising, day sailing and social community. We also support sailing related worthy causes in the area. We make sailing a fun and valuable life experience for all our members.  Join the Watch  We could use your help in organizing member events. It’s a great way to make new friends and enjoy the comradery of fellow sailors.
“Land was created to provide a place for boats to visit.”
Brooks Atkinson
The Member Mentor Committee will help new and recent members learn about our programs and resources. We’re here to welcome you and make your membership enjoyable and fun.
But even more importantly, an experienced Club Member will answer your questions and advise you how to get the most from your GCSC Membership.

Our Member Mentor Program – “Welcome Wagon” to GCSC.
Bob Diamond
Terry Nauck

All required contact information, names, email and website addresses are included in this Handbook.
For More Information On All The Following Programs: Details and event registration instructions for all our sailing and social events can be found on our website, in our monthly newsletter, on Facebook and by receiving timely email reminders..
GCSC Programs:
Did you join GCSC for a chance to crew?
Sailor Certification is just for you! It is designed to balance your skills and interest with the understandable caution of a skipper bringing a new person on board for a safe and enjoyable cruise or a race.
The Sailor Certification Program includes the specific terminology and skills that will be demonstrated by you to the satisfaction of a Certification Captain.
Members with previous sailing experience are encouraged to use this program to “brush up” prior to scheduling the three formal Checkouts.
Members with limited or no sailing experience are encouraged to take advantage of the several “Learn to Sail” programs offered in the Naples area. Information is available on the GCSC website.

Following successful completion of the Level I, II and III Checkouts, this information will be included in the member profile on the GCSC website and made available to GCSC skippers who have agreed to “add one more” to their cruising or racing crew.
For additional information, contact:
Rear Commodore: Jeffrey Eiken - jeffreyeakin46 440-463-2052
“The days pass happily with me wherever my ship sails.”
Joshua Slocum
 Sail Racing.
Contacts for Joining the Sail Racing FUN as a Skipper, Crew or Volunteer:
Vice Commodore: Jeff Gage -
Fleet Captain Racing: Frank Brown -
Fleet Captain Summer Racing: Frank Brown -
A. Our members participate as Skippers and Crew in all PHRF Regatta Events in Southwest Florida. These events are scheduled during the Fall, Winter and Spring Seasons. The Regattas on the Gulf include “Round the Buoys” races, and “Distance” races. Power boat owners are encouraged to volunteer as a Race Committee Boat, Mark Boat or Spectator Boat.
B. During the Summer Season, GCSC Members enjoy our “Tequila Racing Series”. This is a great way to participate in Sailboat Racing on the Gulf with easy, fun oriented racing rules.
C. GCSC Members also participate in Small Sailboat Racing Series in protected waters such as in harbors or on a lake.
D. Timed Race Starts = An easy low stress way to try sailboat racing and see if you like it. Instead of all the boats in a Class starting at once from a crowded starting line, each Skipper is given a unique starting time based on his/her boat’s PHRF rating.
Some, but not all, of the Winter Races and all our Summer Races are organized with this Timed Start System (known as a “Pursuit Start”).

All boats participating in our Regattas need a current PHRF Rating. Our Rear Commodore and Fleet Captain Racing can advise you how to obtain or update your boat’s PHRF Rating.
2> Small Boat Fun at Sugden Regional Park and Lake Avalon:
Contact for Joining the FUN as a Skipper, Crew or Volunteer
Fleet Captain Small Boats: Justin Jaffry,
During the Winter Season, for one Sunday afternoon per month, GCSC has rented the Small Sailboats and the Club House from Collier County for use by our Members. The County provides us with a knowledgeable staff and a chase boat for our Members’ safety.
The Sunday afternoon includes socializing, classroom sessions followed by sailing on the lake. Or if you prefer, just hanging out on the beach. Bring the family and the kids. Sail or don’t sail, but do have FUN.
 Cruising :
Contact for Joining the Cruising FUN as a Skipper, Crew or Volunteer
GCSC Fleet Captain Cruising- Bob Andreini
GCSC has a full calendar of Fun Day Sails, Raft-Ups and Multi-Day Destination Cruises of various durations. Skippers can join for a day and stay for the Weekend. Join us for a weekend Cruise and keep going for a vacation. Destinations include anchorages in the Everglades, and marinas in the Florida Keys. If you wish, sail on to the Dry Tortugas and the Bahamas. Northward, there is Fort Myers Beach, Sanibel, Captiva, Cabbage Cay, Useppa, Cayo Costa, Boca Grande, and on and on.
Cruising Events are more informal than Regattas with more of an opportunity to bring family and other members. Even Power Boats are Welcome.
“Mother, mother ocean, I have heard you call I’ve wanted to sail upon your waters since I was three feet tall. You’ve seen it all, you’ve seen it all. . .”
Jimmy Buffett

 Meetings and other Social Events:
“So, we were out sailing and this whale……..!”
It is always fun to listen to Sailors exchanging Tall Tales.
A. Monthly Membership Meetings.
On the second Wednesday of each month, we get together for our regularly scheduled Monthly Membership Meeting. 6pm for refreshments and socializing followed at 7pm by the presentations.
Our usual agenda includes updates on club events, introduction of new members, skippers requesting crew and crew advising their availability. This is usually followed by a presentation on a nautical theme. We have had presentations by America’s Cup Crew Members, circumnavigators, racing sailors, cruising sailors and more.
B. Both Racing and Cruising Events often have “Drive-To” land based social event related to a specific Regatta or Cruise. These social events are open to ALL GCSC Members.
GCSC social events are a fun way to meet skippers if you wish to race or cruise. If you are a skipper, it’s a great way to find crew.
These social events include pre-regatta skipper’s meetings (usually on a Friday evenin ), post Regatta Awards Dinners or Sunday brunches. Pre-cruise “Bon Voyage Party Dinners” or weekend get together at a “Sail- to” and “Drive-To” location such as a marina in Sanibel, Fort Myers Beach, Marco or the Florida Keys.
C. Pool parties at members’ homes are regular summer season fun events.

GCSC Resources to Help You Enjoy Your Membership Even More.
Please Remember that we are an all-volunteer club.
All our resource programs and all our sailing and social events require our members to make them happen.

1.Volunteer Development Committee - Help our volunteers manage successful events and programs. Each committee member has held most GCSC volunteer positions and Flag Officerships. You need not worry about how to do the assignment; these experienced Club Members will help you succeed.
Contact - Chairperson
Bob Diamond –
1. Communications Group – Help from volunteers with copy writing skills are always welcome.
A. GCSC’s email Newsletter “The Luff N Laff” Is published Monthly and supplemented by timely Email Reminders of Sailing and Social events.
Editor Laurie Conrod
B. GCSC Website –
Web Masters: Michael C. is our interactive website. You can join or renew your membership online. Review our Calendar of Events and register online for the sailing or social events you like. Best to just go to the Website and wander around. You’ll be pleasantly surprised.
If you do not have or forgot your “Username” or “Password” press the “Forgot” button and you will be able to get the information you require.

C. Social Media – Facebook, Meetup and other Social Apps are used to promote Membership and Events.
Coordinator – Roseann Smith –
D. Press Relations – Place articles in local newspapersapers that promote GCSC and our events .
Coordinator – Laurie Conrod
2. Membership Committee:
Chairperson Terry Nauck -
A. Maintain records of membership and related Lists of volunteers, crew availability etc.
B. Coordinates member renewals and collection of dues.
C. Manages front desk at member meetings and at the Sugden Sailing Center.
3. Speaker Committee: Provides guest speakers for monthly membership meetings. Want to volunteer? We could use your help.
Rear Commodore Jeff Eiken
“There is no better tool or equipment you can have on board than a well-trained crew.”
Larry Pardey

GCSC Flag Officers
3 Year Term - Maximum 2 Terms.
Gulf Coast Sailing Club Board of Directors:
Flag Officers:
Commodore Trudell Kolpack
Vice Commodore John Steiner
Rear Commodore Jeff Gage
Treasurer Carleen Kulscar
Secretary Rosann Smith
Director Terry Nauck Term expires 6/30/2023
Director Tom Horner Term expires 6/30/2023
Director Frank Brown Term expires 6/30/2023 (2nd term)
Director Scott Kiley Term expires 6/30/2024

Historical Footnote…………………
In the summer of 1974, the Gulf Coast Sailing Club (GCSC) was formed. The first meeting to determine the officers and the Club’s future was held in Cambier Park in Old Naples.The first Commodore was Bob Utter, the Vice Commodore was Bob Asher, and the Rear Commodore was Tom Grogan, TheTreasurer was Malcolm Davis, and Margi Perida was the Club Secretary.
The “Luff ’N Laff” became the official newsletter and told of the first race on the Gulf of Mexico on January 11, 1976. The Class A winner was James Doane Sr. on Flame; Charles Smith on Debbie Sue took second and Fred White on Folly Too finished third. The Class B winners were Bob Harrington on Double Eagle, Carl Brewer on Ms. Anna took second, and Chet Whetwynd on Wynd-e placed third. The social event after the race was a raft-up in Cutlass Cove.
The Club has fostered and maintained the members’ interest in socializing, racing, and cruising by keeping in mind the attitude of the founders of the GCSC— “Keep it Fun!”
“Tis the set of the sails and not the gales which tells us the way to go. . .”
Ella Wheeler Wilcox
Substance Abuse
Under no circumstances will any form of illegal substance be tolerated during GCSC functions.
Sexual Harassment
It is the policy of GCSC to not tolerate verbal or physical conduct which disrupts, harasses, or interferes with a person’s environment.

Gulf Coast Sailing Club (GCSC) defines bullying as repeated inappropriate behavior, either direct or indirect, whether verbal, physical or otherwise, conducted by one or more persons against another or others, at club related activities. Such behavior violates GCSC stated conduct standards that all members will be treated with dignity and respect.

Gulf Coast Sailing Club defines bullying as the following:

·     Verbal Bullying: slandering, ridiculing or badmouthing an individual or his/her family; persistent name calling that is hurtful, insulting or humiliating; using an individual as the object of jokes; abusive and offensive remarks. 

·     Physical Bullying: pushing, shoving, kicking, poking, tripping, assault, or threat of physical assault; damage to a person’s property.

·     Gesture Bullying: non-verbal threatening gestures or glances which can convey threatening messages.

·     Exclusion: socially or physically excluding or disregarding a person in club-related activities.

In addition, the following examples may constitute or contribute to evidence of bullying in the club:

·     Persistent singling out of an individual

·     Shouting or raising voice at an individual in public and/or in private

·     Not allowing the person to speak or express him/herself (i.e., ignoring or interrupting).

·     Constant criticism on matters unrelated or minimally related to the member

·     Persistent ignoring/interrupting an individual at meetings

·     Repeatedly accusing someone of errors which cannot be documented

·     Spreading rumors and gossip regarding individuals 

·     Unwanted physical contact, physical abuse or threats of abuse to an individual or an individual’s property (defacing or marking up property)       


The purpose of this policy is to communicate to all members GCSC will not tolerate bullying behavior. Violations of this policy will result in discipline, up to and including revocation of membership or a section 5 vote for board members. Members who have any questions regarding this policy should contact the Commodore, Vice Commodore, or the Rear Commodore. Members with complaints or concerns related to this policy should immediately report them to club leadership.

This policy applies to membership meetings and all club-related social functions.

The very nature of harassment makes it difficult to detect unless the problem is reported. Members experiencing or observing harassment, therefore, are expected to promptly report the conduct. Complaints should be directed to any member of club management with whom the member feels comfortable.

Gulf Coast Sailing Club is commitment to providing individuals with a club environment that is free of harassment

During any Pandemic or emergency, GCSC encourages compliance at all of our club sanctioned events with suggested or mandated public health related policies and procedures. Out of respect for the health of our fellow Members and Guests, GCSC encouragesall our members to respect the rules GCSC adopts.
Member Notes:
Let Your Dreams Set Sail. . .